Page 10 of articles about Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea
OIE: Japan confirms a total of 418 outbreaks of PED
Rabobank: Mexico Agribusiness Outlook 2014: A positive year ahead but full of challenges
Canada: Governments announce funding to protect hog barns from PEDV
United States: USDA will require reporting of PEDv and Swine Delta Coronavirus
Canada: contaminated feed most likely source of Ontario PED outbreak
Brazil: strengthening of the health measures for the importation of pigs
Brazil inaugurates special facilities for imported pigs to protect from PED
Japanese gov’t orders strict measures against deadly pig virus
China tightens restrictions on imports of U.S. hogs
United States: downward trend in PEDv positive case submissions
Firmness of the European prices without Russia. Crisis in America
The future for the European pig producers seems clear and the heart of the matter lies in knowing how the different markets will reposition themselves.