Page 3 of articles about Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea
Canada confirms new outbreaks of PED
PEDV detection and antibody response in commercial growing pigs
Indirect transmission and stability of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus on fomites
Changes in biosecurity directed at preventing introduction of porcine epidemic diarrhea
PED virus has challenged biosecurity programs in North America, the standards of sanitation have risen to a new level to address PEDV. The article deals with the most relevant changes.
PRRS & PEDV Control Proposal
Manitoba’s 9th case of PED found in sow barn
U of S VIDO-InterVac develops vaccine for PEDV
Canada: PED containment top priority
Manitoba's CVO has confirmed a third case in the latest outbreak of PED
Canada: CFIA lifted the temporary emergency livestock transportation protocol
Second PED case confirmed in Manitoba finisher barn
New PEDv outbreak in Manitoba (Canada)
New PED outbreak in Ontario (Canada)
Differences between American and global strains of PEDv
Virulence and infectivity differences between strains are notorious. Moreover, the new virus is not controlled with vaccines developed from classical strains and may yield false positives in some diagnostic tests.