Page 4 of articles about Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea
New PED outbreaks in Ontario
Newly emerged Porcine Deltacoronavirus associated with diarrhoea in swine in China
USDA issues updated Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease Federal Order
PED becomes notifiable disease in England
Differential diagnosis of post-weaning diarrhoea in pigs
An accurate diagnosis is sometimes difficult because of the common occurrence of mixed infections, the compounding effects of environment and nutrition and the difficulties experienced in isolating and identifying all the possible pathogenic agents involved.
The emergence of PEDV and the importance of biosecurity in feed supply chain
The transmission of PEDV through the feed supply chain is an example of a complex disease transmission pathway that triggered swine feed industry stakeholders to collaborate in understanding and addressing the risk factors.
EU extends the period of application of the protective measures against the PED
USDA issues root cause investigation report for swine enteric coronavirus diseases
Changes in the swine gut microbiota in response to porcine epidemic diarrhea infection
An evaluation of PEDv survival in individual feed ingredients in the presence or absence of a liquid antimicrobial
Canada: new PED case in Ontario
PED: update on the present status within Europe
All sequenced PEDV isolates that were found recently within European countries were most closely related to so called S INDEL PEDV, which was originally described in the US in January 2014.
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea in US – Field update
How much has disease changed from its first introduction? Currently, we can find a new variant that appears to be a much milder form of PEDv, there are sow herds with chronic PEDv ( ~10% of breeding herds), a few sow herds with re-breaks (~ 3-5% of herds), ….