Page 142 of articles about pork

Czech Republic - 3rd quarter of 2010 : Decrease in meat production, increased price of milk

Pig meat production went down by 3,9 % year-on-year to 66187 tonnes. Numbers of slaughtered pigs decreased to 753.333 heads, i.e. by 4,6 % year-on-year, but numbers of slaughtered sows were by 13,7 % higher than in the 3rd quarter of the previous year. Deficit of foreign trade in pig meat exceeded 40 thousand tonnes. Import of live pigs went down year-on-year by 26,5 % (6.100 tonnes in total), whereas export rose by 81,2 % to 3.951 tonnes.

United Kingdom - Step forward for online pig movement

Pig producers and abattoirs are saving time and money with the new BPEX electronic pig movement project, known in short as eAML2. The system is currently being trialled in all assured abattoirs and will go live across the industry in April 2011 for England and Wales. It has combined the Animal Movement Licence (AML2) and Food Chain Information (FCI) forms – required when pigs are moved from farm to slaughter – and made the whole process electronic.

European Union - Pig meat reflection day

The Belgian delegation informed the ministers about the organisation of a reflection day on “The pig meat sector towards 2020”, which will take place on 3 December 2010 in the Flemish Parliament in Brussels.

Australia - Prospects for the Australian pig industry

Swine closing inventories for CY 2011 are forecast at 2.5 million head, up on the 2.45 million head estimated for CY 2010. Closing inventory for CY 2009 has been revised upwards from 2.3 million head to 2.302 million head, in line with recently released official ABS statistics.

Czech Republic - Moderate year-on-year decrease in meat production

In the 2nd quarter of 2010, 136 593 tonnes of meat were produced and 585 478 thousand litres of milk were purchased; i.e. a decrease in both meat production (by 3.4 %) and milk collection (by 2.4 %) y-o-y. The production declined in all of main kinds of meat: in beef, pig meat, and poultry (by 1.4 %, 4.6 %, and 2.3 %, respectively).

World Meat - FAPRI 2010 Agricultural Outlook: Pork

Recovering from a 12% drop in 2009, pork trade grows by 2.8% (122 tmt) annually in the next decade, reaching 5.52 mmt in 2019. Pork production increases in the next decade at a rate of 1.9% (1.85 mmt), reaching 115.46 mmt in 2019.