Page 162 of articles about pork

Brazil – Increase in pig meat exports

In 2009, Brazilian exports of pig meat reached 607.49 thousand tons, which is an increase of 14.75% in volume compared to the same period of the previous year, although the value dropped by 17.09%.

United Kingdom - Research on 'country of origin' labelling published

The Food Standards Agency has published new research about country of origin labelling. The Agency commissioned a package of research to find out more about how people understand and use food labels, including ‘country of origin’ labels. The results will both improve the information we have on this subject and also help to inform discussions about a European proposal on food labelling.

Ireland - Export growth set to resume in 2010, Bord Bia

A sustained decline in the value of sterling combined with the economic downturn and severe difficulties in the global dairy market created unprecedented challenges for Irish food and drink exporters in 2009, according to Bord Bia’s Export Performance and Prospects report launched today. The value of Irish food and drink exports declined by 12 percent last year, or by just under €1 billion, to stand at €7.12 billion.

Belarus lifts import ban on pig meat

Following interventions by the Commission Belarus has lifted all temporary import restrictions, imposed on animals and animal products from certain EU Member States, based on measures due to pandemic H1/N1 influenza virus.