Page 37 of articles about production
Pig production on the rise in Colombia
Germany: fewer farms and fewer pigs
The Yangxiang project
Interview with the owner of Yangxiang to understand a bit better the development of the project and what they have learned.
US pork production overwhelms its market
In US, even with record China sales, production overwhelms the markets, a quite different situation than in Spain, where pig prices soar while packers make handsome profits on exports without being able to raise the prices for pork going into domestic and retail sales.
ASF will continue to affect the global pigmeat market
The African swine fever outbreak in Asia will continue to affect the global meat market and trade flows, according to European Union agricultural outlook for 2019-30 report.
When the exceptional becomes everyday (or when the unforeseen lasts)
Overwhelming euphoria should not blind us or cloud our senses: What will happen when China returns to self-sufficiency?
EveryPig saves farm from major fines by identifying potential withdrawal period violation
Is the future of livestock farming at risk?
With the emergence of artificial, "lab-grown" meat, What does the future hold for livestock farming? will livestock farming disappear all-together?
Time to strategize for meat producers
The high baseline demand of China on the pork side, due to ASF, will hide how plant-based meats creep up on traditional meat product demand.
Global pork prices continue to rise
India livestock census shows decline in pig population
Pig population declines 12%
JBS USA eliminates ractopamine from its supply chain
Report: Yangxiang, the 9-storey farm
333, together with Javier Lorente, visits the spectacular Chinese farm in which 28,000 sows are housed in 9-storey buildings.
Tyson to help meet growing demand for US pork by prohibiting ractopamine use
How to spot recovery in China's pig industry
Will the process of pig herd recovery in China be fast or slow?