Page 48 of articles about production
Pig production in the United Kingdom 2016
France: creation of a new group for the joint commercialisation of pigs
Distribution of clean pig production in England – 2016
A new report now available from independent publisher AgriContent Ltd provides the English pig sector with a detailed look at clean pig production in the country from 2014 to 2016 on a postcode-by-postcode and regional basis.
Are your grow/finish barns ready for summer? Let your pigs tell you
Watch your pigs and adjust your equipment to support optimal finishing in summer heat.
Portugal: drop in pig slaughterings
Spain: Evolution in the number of pig farms
Slight growth in the French pig production in 2016
Governance and investment opportunities in Uganda’s pig value chains
Most of the live pig traders are vertically integrated, performing several functions in the value chain like transportation, pig slaughter and pork retail under single ownership. Pig farmers are largely concentrated at the production node which is largely characterized by spot markets and informal relationships.
ISU: Industry programs help farmers gain consumer communication skills
Pig farmers want to be able to properly inform consumers about the well-being of their livestock and the safety of food products but can sometimes struggle to find the space to share their story.