Page 49 of articles about production

Rabobank: Favourable Global Pork Market to Continue into Q3

The global pork market is relatively stable, with rising supply from the Americas easily absorbed in the main import markets in Asia, resulting in a steady development of the Rabobank Five-Nation Hog Price Index. Continuing strong Asian imports are supporting pork prices across the globe, with the supply volume in each region determining the actual level. This is according to the Rabobank Global Pork Quarterly Q2.

U.S. hogs and pigs inventory up

Iowa hog producers accounted for the largest inventory among the states. North Carolina and Minnesota had the second and third largest inventories.

Pork consumption in Honduras

Consumption and production grow, hand in hand, by 1.5%, with a upward trend in the last years that is being strengthened by the imports replacement programme.

Cambodia: Demand for meat rises

Cambodia’s expanding population, urbanization, economic growth and the changing consumption patterns of the population have created opportunities for the growth of the livestock sector in the country, according to the annual report of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF).