Page 50 of articles about production

Canada: hog inventories up

According to Statistics Canada, hog producers reported 13.7 million hogs on January 1, up 1.6% from January 1, 2016, marking the fourth consecutive year-over-year increase.

China 2016 meat output down 1.1%

According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the total output of meat for the year reached 85.40 million tons, down by 1.0 percent over the previous year.

USDA Agricultural Projections to 2026

Although a stronger valued U.S. dollar is expected to constrain growth in U.S. agricultural exports somewhat, the United States remains competitive in global agricultural markets and export values grow over the next 10 years.

Cuba: Historic production of pork

One of the key elements to these results lies, in the words of Vice president of the Grupo Empresarial Ganadero Carlos Vladimir Ortiz Mursulí, in the "empowerment of genetics".