Page 54 of articles about production
We are stepping on solid ground, or where to start the recovery from
In order to dream of better prices we must find a bottom from where to rebound. We are very probably there, although Spanish market is, right now, heavier than the German one.
Spain: increase by 7% in pig slaughterings
Forecasts for the Brazilian pig sector
Germany: Meat production down in the third quarter of 2015
Pigmeat production is expected to expand by less than 2% by 2025
Hong Kong domestic pork production expected to be stable
The Polish pig census decreases
Pork consumption increases in Central America
Pig production increase expected in Mexico
The WHO's imprudence or the last drop
The European market is saturated with pork since late summer. The WHO's report has been an ice-cold shower for the whole of the European pig sector.