Page 57 of articles about production
China pork production will be back to normal levels in 2016
Important Russian investments in the farming sector
U.S. reaches the highest inventory of all hogs and pigs
Korea: an increase in total swine inventory is expected in 2016
USDA expects Poland swine inventories to grow by 3 percent in 2015
Increase in the number of pigs slaughtered in the EU
Italy: increase in organic production
United States: corn production will be the third largest production on record
Good world cereal supplies expected in 2015
Mexico: pork production higher in 2016 on PED recovery
Russia: pork production is forecast to increase in 2016
Spain: important increase in pig production
Ukrainian pork market
Pig farming in Ukraine is developing lively. The market deficit lowers the entry barriers that are almost absent.
PRRS cost for the European swine industry
The estimated cost of PRRS for European pig producers is 1,5b € every year.