Page 76 of articles about production

Russia's swine inventory will likely grow about 2.7 percent

Russia’s swine inventory will likely grow about 2.7 percent to 17.545 million head at the end of December 2012 from 17.2 million head at the end of December 2011, supported by lower feed prices in the second half of the year and increased state support.

Beefing up Jamaica's pork production

With financial help from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, the Jamaica Pig Farmers' Association (JPFA) has been laying the groundwork to grow the pig population and improve and maintain standards in pork production and processing.

Denmark: pig numbers stable

The latest census data indicates that the number of pigs in Denmark is more or less unchanged on the year with fewer sows but more finishers.

US: hog inventory up 1 percent

United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on September 1, 2011 was 66.6 million head. This was up 1 percent from September 1, 2010, and up 3 percent from June 1, 2011.

China sets new target for 2011-1015

China’s Ministry of Agriculture has issued the 12th Five Year Plan for the animal husbandry sector, which attaches importance to the country’s self-sufficiency.

Ukraine: Livestock down

Pigs livestock in Ukraine as of September 1, 2011, made up 8.102 million heads, which is 3.2% less against the same period of 2010.

Government support to agriculture in OECD countries fell to 18%

Government support to agriculture in OECD countries fell to 18% of total farm receipts in 2010, a record low linked to high commodity prices. Support to producers stood at $227 billion (EUR 172 billion) in OECD countries in 2010. Most government support is still given in ways that distort production and trade while doing relatively little to improve productivity and competitiveness, ensure sustainable resource use or help farmers cope with risk.