Page 78 of articles about production

United Kingdom - Performance indicators updated

The latest Key Performance Indicator results for the 12 months to December 2010 reflect the challenges the industry faced with a long, warm summer sandwiched by severely cold weather at the start and end of the year.

Austria - Number of pigs stable

For the reference date 1 December 2010, Statistics Austria reports a total number of 3.134.000 pigs (-0,1% compared to 2009). A marginal increase was observed within the number of piglets and young pigs (+0.3% to 1 604 000 animals). The number of pigs for fattening purposes increased during the same period by 0.1% to 1 245 000 head while the number of pigs for breeding decreased by 3.1% to 285 000 animals.

Croatia - Pork market brief

Croatia is a large pork importer. In 2010, pork imports reached $128 million (43,200 MT), mostly from the EU and Chile. Currently, the US is a minor supplier to the Croatian market. As an EU-candidate country, pork exports to Croatia must meet EU standards.

Iowa Pork Industry Center: SowBridge subscriber says program adds value to operation

In a constantly changing industry, Iowa pork producer Greg Carlson has identified the importance of convenient and effective continuing education. That’s why he has subscribed for two years to the distance education series SowBridge. This innovative program, coordinated by the Iowa Pork Industry Center (IPIC) at Iowa State University (ISU), provides Carlson and pork producers around the world with timely and accurate information in a highly efficient manner.

Cuba develops swine production

According to declarations made by Norberto Espinosa, director of the Porcine Production Group (GRUPOR), under the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG), Cuba will increase its production of swine feed, going from 42 thousand tons this year to 250 thousand in 2015, in order to increase meat production.

United Kingdom - British pig production still lags behind

Despite improvements in daily liveweight gain and pigs finished per sow, Britain still lags behind its European competition in the production stakes. The latest figures from the BPEX publication on international cost of production show Britain produced 1643kg pig meat per sow in 2009 – the lowest of all the EU countries.