Page 79 of articles about production

Mexico - Swine production is forecast to increase in 2010

Swine production for 2010 is forecast to increase 0.3 percent in 2010, the same rate of increase expected for 2009 (0.3 percent). Lower prices, a media consumption campaign, and increased availability of pork products could stimulate demand (and therefore production).

AgFeed Industries, Inc. Completes Acquisition of M2P2 LLC

AgFeed Industries, Inc., one of the largest independent hog production and animal nutrient companies in China, announced today that it has completed the acquisition of M2P2 LLC based in Ames, Iowa. M2P2 is a leading U.S. hog production company, having set standards of excellence in innovation, productivity and efficiency in pork production.

Ukraine: Meat production increases

During January-July 2010, the production of all types of meat increased by 6.7% compared with last year’s figures. The volumes of meat production in live weight totalled 1571 thousand tons. As of July 31 swine population stands at 8 million 374 thousand heads, a figure that represents a 12.7% increase with respect to last year.

Netherlands - Insufficient compensation for agriculture

For the Dutch agricultural sector, 2009 was a bad year economically. Production increased slightly, but most primary agriculture market prices fell. The average agricultural income decreased to 5,500 euros per farm, its lowest point in twenty years.

Germany - Meat production up by 4,1%

In the first half of 2010, well above 3.9 million tonnes of meat were produced commercially in Germany; that was 4.1% or 153,900 tonnes more than in the first half of 2009.

South Korea proceeds with hog traceability system

South Korea’s Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has announced that it will establish a “nationwide hog farm management system” that will enable a comprehensive farm-to-slaughter management of hogs to improve the farming environment and prevent swine fever.