Page 82 of articles about production

East meets West at EuroTier 2010

Held at the Hanover Exhibition Centre, in Germany, the international flavour of the show is best highlighted by the number of overseas visitors, some of which are expected to come from Vietnam.

USA - Iowa pork facts

At the end of 2008, Iowa had 8,300 hog operations. Approximately 30 million hogs are raised in Iowa each year.

Poultry and pig sector in Argentina

The report made by Wageningen UR gives an overview of the current husbandry and management practices in the poultry and pig sector in Argentina related to animal welfare. The research centered on a description of the broiler, layer and pig sector in Argentina, the regulatory framework in force in Argentina with respect to animal welfare and a survey on husbandry practice in the poultry and pig sector.

Jyden Bur: Free stall system for the European market

As of 2013, the European Union has made new requirements for gestated sows. The ordinary static crate will be phased out by law but there are other solutions. A high level of efficiency, an improved working environment and more animal welfare is the outcome of the popular and flexible gestation crate, JB5000 from Jyden Bur – a Danish company with an international perspective.

USA - USDA livestock projections to 2019

The livestock sector continues to make adjustments in the first several years of the projections in response to high grain and soybean meal prices in 2007 and 2008, followed by weak meat demand caused by the global economic recession. With producer returns squeezed, production incentives fell, leading to declines in total U.S. meat and poultry production through 2011.

FAO - Towards a more sustainable livestock sector

Urgent investments, major agricultural research efforts and robust governance are required to ensure that the world's livestock sector responds to a growing demand for animal products and at the same time contributes to poverty reduction, food security, environmental sustainability and human health, FAO said today in a new edition of its flagship publication the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA).

Croatia – Increase in number of pigs

Previous 2009 data, as compared to the final 2008 data, changed in the following way: In comparison to the previous year, the number of cattle decreased by 2%, the number of sheep by 4% and the number of goats by 10%, while the total number of pigs increased by 13% and of poultry by 7%.

Canada - Hog farms continued to decline in 2009

At January 1, Canadian hog producers had an estimated 11.6 million hogs on their farms, down 4.5% from January 2009. Since January 2009 there has been a 4.3% decrease in the breeding herd, mainly sows and gilts. The inventory of sows is estimated at 1.3 million head.