Page 3 of articles about productivity
Small piglets born to young sows: a very dangerous combination (III): Effects on the nurseries
The piglets born to primiparous sows show a worse performance during the nursery stage and a twofold risk of dying than the piglets born to multiparous sows.
Causes of the losses/cullings of the sows: a tower of Babel (II)
It's necessary to promote a standardization of the causes of the losses/cullings of the sows. Some rules on which this standardization can be based on are proposed.
The live weight of the piglets weaned at 28 days: a decisive factor for a good post-weaning adaptation?
The performance decrease suffered by the piglets when weaned is one of the most worrying factors at the pig farms.
Competitive advantages with the use of information (II) – Another step towards the real-time management of the swine sector?
In a very near future we will have an enormous amount of data with more speed and ease than ever, and also from very different origins.
What do I do with this census?
In previous articles we have talked about the importance of a good sow replacement, and we have explained methods to calculate an adequate sow replacement rate. In this article we are going to show an example of a bad replacement policy and its consequences throughout time on the productivity of the farm.
Seasonal effects (temperature and light): analysis and minimization of their consequences
It is a widely documented fact that pig production has seasonal variations mainly focused on a descent in the reproductive efficiency in the gestation phase (difficulty in the coming into oestrus, a higher number of reproductive failures) during the summer and autumn months.
New phenotypes for new breeding goals in pigs
FCR TOPIGS finishers improves by 0.07
Effect of dietary organic and inorganic selenium in hyperovulatory first-parity gilts
Brazil: perspectives for the pig sector
Management of farrowing objectives to achieve optimal piglet weight at weaning (I): weekly batches
Wouldn’t it be great if all the sows on a farm (weaned sows, gilts, repeat breeders…) could be mated on the same day?! And if we were able to choose, on Mondays?
Australia: pig meat industry to continue to recover in CY 2012
Comparison of oral versus parenteral iron supplementation on the health and productivity of piglets
Assessing animals in the growing phase
It is practically impossible to inspect all the pigs individually during routine control visits.