Page 5 of articles about productivity
UK - Total Income from Farming, 2009 and 2010
USA - K-State Ag Profitability Conferences Slated for 11 Kansas Locations
Pfizer Trainee Awards for pig and poultry industries
USA - Annual Pigs Per Breeding Animal Continues To Increase
Ireland - Productivity but costs up
Why tryptophan is an important amino acid for piglet nutrition
What is the best age for weaning piglets? (2/3)
Normally the productivity of the sow is valued for the number of litters/sow/year multiplied by the number of weaned piglets per litter.
R&D - Key rules for a greater return
What is the best age for weaning piglets? (1/3)
With this article we begin the publication of a series of three unpublished articles by José Barceló for on the age at weaning. José gave us the articles a few days before his death. As a way of paying homage to him we have decided to publish them posthumously without any alterations.