Page 10 of articles about PRRS in Articles

Process timeline example for LCH PRRS elimination process

Elimination of PRRS in breeding herds

There are 3 potential options to stabilize BTW herds following an outbreak that have all proven successful over time. They have very different cost and risk profiles and a through economic assessment is needed to determine what the best course of action is for each new outbreak.

Cuerda de algodón para toma de muestras

Oral fluids - Sampling

Over the last several years, new sampling, monitoring and diagnostic tools for the swine industry that are faster, simpler and more cost effective have been developed and validated. One of these techniques is the sampling and use of oral fluids (saliva) as specimens for diagnostics in swine.

Genetic resistance to PRRS

There is sufficient genetic variation in host response to infection to allow future breeding goals for enhanced resistance or tolerance so that there are grounds to believe that it may be possible to breed commercial animals that have increased genetic resistance or tolerance to the disease.


Abortions are not always witnessed in yards or extensive systems. Evidence is provided by sudden weight loss and a vulval discharge.

PRRS Eradication: A dream or missed opportunity?

Since 1987, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRS) has become a global drain on pig productivity, profitability, and many a producers’ morale. One thing that remains certain is PRRS virus continually finds ways to circumvent our best bio-management efforts. PRRS marches on in a ceaseless continuum of antigenic change making current vaccines and other control techniques of limited value.

Risk and/or triggering factors of porcine circovirus

Between 1995 and 1997, at the beginning of an epizootic called “maladie de l’amagrissement du porcelet” (MAP), it was observed that the farms that were most affected and that had the most losses, generally presented obvious deviations from what we would consider to be a suitable management of the animals and facilities. This is why Dr. François Madec made a list of management practices with the aim of improving the anomalous situation observed.