Page 3 of articles about Quality and processing
Australian Pork Limited welcomes funding to help protect Aussie pigs
Australian government invests $66.6 million to keep ASF out
Poland ASF: new case, first in province with highest pig production
A wild boar infected with ASF has been found in Greater Poland, the area with the highest pig population. According to data from the statistics service (GUS) in 2018, Greater Poland represents 36% of the country's total pig census.
Philippines: Pork price falls 6.84 percent
USDA's feral swine eradication and control pilot program
ASF: Denmark completes construction of fence at border with Germany
ASF challenges the industry to prioritize and execute on Biosecurity: field recommendations from experts
Do we clearly understand which are the most effective biosecurity measurements to prevent the transmission of ASF between farms when infection pressure increases? What are the major worries of those producers and veterinarians dealing with outbreaks of the disease over short distances?
ASF continues to cause major concerns within the hunting community
The hunting community is becoming increasingly concerned about new cases of ASF in western Poland, not far from the German border, and in southern Bulgaria, very close to the Greek border.
ASF Poland: cases multiply at the German border
There are already 20 confirmed cases of ASF in the Lubuskie voivodship, about 100 km from the German border.
CIC bioGUNE researchers unravel the 3-D structure of the ASF virus
This breakthrough is the prerequisite not only for understanding the ASF virus assembly but also for controlling and ultimately eliminating it.
Poland detects ASF in wild boar about 100 km from the German border
How would U.S. health officials respond to an ASF outbreak?
ASF: France calls on China to recognize "zoning"
ASF in Belgium: first confirmed case since August
First confirmed ASF case since 08/14/2019, detected in the remains of a wild boar that had died more than six months ago.