Page 17 of articles about raw material

Record corn supplies forecast for 2016/17

Corn supplies for 2016/17 are lowered from last month but are stiII forecast at a record 16.859 billion bushels, as a smaller crop more than offsets a small increase in beginning stocks due to a reduction in 2015/16 exports.

Feed Ingredients

Feed Ingredients - Eric Scholer, Vice President, Express Markets, Inc. , from the 2016 World Pork Expo, June 8 - 10, 2016, Des Moines, IA, USA.

Good world cereal supplies expected in 2015

The latest FAO forecast for global cereal production in 2015 stands at 2 540 million tonnes, 13.8 million tonnes more than expected in July, but still 21 million tonnes (0.8 percent) below the 2014 record.