Page 19 of articles about raw material
EU-28 soft wheat and oilseeds production down this year
Food demand to rise strongly in coming decade
Corn shortages affects pork producers in Brazil
Decrease in the production of feed in France
Alternative sources of soy protein in pigs' feed
The addition of alternative ingredients to the ration will depend mainly on how their variation in nutritional composition compares to soybeans and on their price, which will determine their inclusion rate and their actual inclusion.
Commission authorises 2 GMOs for food/ feed uses
China will increase its cereal and oilseed imports
United States: corn production will be the third largest production on record
Good world cereal supplies expected in 2015
China: soybean imports to jump by 2024
ISAAA - Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2014
Italy renews the banning of the growing of MON810
Russian government imposing grain export duties
Alternatives to traditional protein sources
The sharp increase in demand for meat by the population expected in the world in the coming years, means that there is an active search for alternatives, both from a social and an environmental point of view.
Clinical case: Food poisoning by alkaloids in fattening pigs
We are called because of sudden deaths in several integrated fattening farms.