Page 5 of articles about raw material
FAO cereal price index up in April
Average global wheat export prices stabilized in April. Maize and barley prices increased while sorghum and rice prices declined.
Clinical case: Gastroesophageal ulcers in finishing pigs due to pyrrolizidine alkaloidosis
Although initially the focus was on the gastric ulcers, after the first visits, more importance was given to liver damage and poisoning was suspected.
European agriculture ministers discussed protein strategy
The Belgian federal and regional agriculture ministers invited their European colleagues to Belgium to discuss food, especially proteins, as a strategic sector for the future of Europe.
Corn and soybean projections for the 2023/2024 season USDA – April 2024
World corn projections were lowered by 2.4 million tons compared to the March report. Soybean production, trade, and ending stock projections were cut slightly.
The FAO Cereal Price Index was down in March
Global wheat export prices declined while maize export prices edged marginally upwards.
US farmers expect to plant less corn and more soybean acres in 2024
Key points from the Prospective Plantings report released by USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).
Corn and soybeans: Projections for the 2023/2024 season USDA - March 2024
World corn production estimates were lowered by 2.3 million tons compared to the February report. For soybeans, estimates were again cut for Brazil.
FAO cereal price index dropped 5% in February
International prices of all major cereals declined month on month.
Survival of a surrogate ASF virus-like algal virus in feed matrices using a 23-day commercial United States truck transport model
European farmers exempted from rules on land lying fallow
The European Commission officially adopted a regulation which grants a partial exemption for European farmers from the conditionality rule on land lying fallow.
Corn and soybean: Projections for the 2023/2024 season USDA - February 2024
Compared to the January report, world corn production estimated saw no significant changes, while international trade figures forecast lower exports for Brazil and a decrease in imports from the European Union. As for soybeans, the forecast for Brazilian production was cut and export estimates increased, which would counterbalance the lower forecast for U.S. shipments.
Five keys for achieving safe compound feed
In the previous article, we learned about the concept of feed safety, its impact on swine production, and the responsibility of the compound feed industry in the food chain. Now we will focus on how to practically apply this concept in the compound feed production process.
World cereal prices in January
While wheat, maize, barley, and sorghum prices fell in January, rice prices increased.
EC: derogation from rules obliging farmers to keep certain areas non-productive
The European Commission proposes to allow EU farmers to avail of derogations for the year 2024 from Common Agricultural Policy rules obliging them to keep certain areas non-productive.
EU reaffirms trade support for Ukraine
The Commission has proposed to renew the suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian exports to the EU for another year, while reinforcing protection for sensitive EU agricultural products.