Page 9 of articles about raw material
IFIP forecasts for the pig and feed markets in 2023
Against a background of rising commodity prices, European pig farmers are reducing their production, which will lead to a decrease in supply on the hog market in 2023 and to prices remaining at high levels.
China's grain production in 2022
Here's how commodity production evolved in China in 2022.
Record-high FAO cereal price index in 2022
Cereal prices were 18% higher on average in 2022, pushing the average annual FAO price index to a new record high.
The 10 most-read articles in 2022
A look back on the hottest topics of the year from Pig333.
Boost of EU agri-food trade in September
EU agri-food exports and imports are both on the rise in September 2022.
An unexpected gift
This year Santa is going to bring something we didn't ask for...
Corn and soybeans: Projections for the 2022/2023 USDA marketing year - December 2022
Decreases are accentuated for corn production in Ukraine and the European Union; the latter would demand more imports of the grain to compensate for the drop in its domestic supply.
EU commodities outlook to 2032
EU production of arable crops is expected to decrease slightly in the medium term while the production of pulses and soya beans are expected to increase significantly.
Belarus will allow the transit of Ukrainian grains
Belarus will allow, without preconditions, the transit of grain from Ukraine through its own territory.
Law to ensure products causing deforestation are not sold in the EU
MEPs reached a preliminary agreement with EU governments on a new deforestation-free law that will oblige companies to verify and issue a declaration.
Global cereal production and trade forecast to fall to three-year lows
This month’s downgrade mainly concerns maize and, albeit by a smaller amount, wheat production.
World cereal prices down in November
International prices of wheat, maize, and sorghum declined in November while barley and rice prices moved up, according to the FAO price index.
The INGRENERGI project for predictive calculation of energy in feed ingredients wins grant under the AEI 2022 call for proposals
AEI 2022 grant approved for the INGRENERGI project, a tool for the predictive calculation of energy in pig feed ingredients.
EU: Urgent measures to ensure fertilizer availability
There is a serious problem with fertilizer accessibility. In the EU, fertilizer prices went up 149% from September 2021 to September 2022.
Corn and soybeans: November projections for the 2022/2023 season
The latest report on corn and soybean crop estimates showed slight variations from the October report. Highlights include a decrease in European Union harvests and an increase in ending stocks for Brazil and Ukraine.