Page 4 of articles about semen
Effect of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on sperm capacitation and protein phosphorylation of boar spermatozoa
Strategic value of boar studs in production systems
Production of a minimum number of doses to maintain profitability and the increase in post-cervical insemination leads to an increase of the doses produced per boar and, therefore, their share of responsibility in the production process.
Effect of natural betaine on estimates of semen quality in mature AI boars during summer heat stress
Semen extenders on frozen-thawed boar sperm characteristics and distribution after deep intrauterine insemination in sows
Optimization of post-cervical insemination in pigs: critical points
This article lists the critical points that must be considered for a successful post-cervical insemination in sows.
Comparison of specimens for detection of PRRSv infection in boar studs
Current state of post-cervical insemination in multiparous, primiparous and nulliparous sows
It is necessary to find alternatives to definitely implement this technique in primiparous sows and start its use in gilts.
Morphological study of boar sperm during their passage through the female genital tract
Analysis of hygienic critical control points in boar semen production
Porcine semen as a vector for transmission of viral pathogens
Influences on semen traits used for selection of young AI boars
The use of oxytocin in liquid semen doses to reduce seasonal fluctuations in the reproductive performance of sows
The effect of numbers of frozen-thawed boar sperm and addition of prostaglandin F2α at insemination on fertility in pigs
Insemination with no hands
This trick consists in using a spring for holding the semen bag during the insemination.