Page 21 of articles about sow
Knowing the sows' age
Using the year the sows enter in production for the sow's identification number.
Marking foster sows on the back with the number of piglets to adopt
The trick consists in selecting the appropriate foster sows and marking them on the back with the maximum number of pigs that they can take care of.
Non-productive days (2/2): €16,000 hidden in the gestation
After checking that our farm loses days in the servicing of the gilts, the detection of empty sows housed in yards and the culling (sending of the sows to the abattoir), we propose a package of measures…
The breeding herd, the source of all pork profits: more piglets or heavier piglets?
It' is not as simple as the larger pigs have better survivability...
Superinfection of sows with Cystoisospora suis ante partum
Effectiveness of different farrowing induction protocols in sows using alphaprostol on day 114 of gestation
Citric acid supplementation on performance, digestibility and milk composition in sows
Supplementing water to lactating sows
There are different systems for carrying out this water delivery. Probably, the most common one is with a hose, but sometimes, the sows' troughs are not facing the corridor but the wall.
Management of the weakest piglets
This trick explains how to obtain foster sows for the adoptions.
Risk factors for lameness development in sows within the first days of group-housing
Understanding the sow farm in terms of finisher profitability
We hear a lot of talk about optimizing profitability in grow-finish through reducing standard deviation of marketed weights and aiming that tighter weight group at the profit optimal average weight at the time of marketing. It’s a bit like playing darts, you want the darts to be in tight group but it is also necessary to be near the bull’s eye on the target.
Ad libitum feeding during the peripartal period maximizes lactational feed intake
Non-productive days (1/2): €16,000 hidden in gestation
Let us see the case of a farm with 5 non-productive days more than the average of the farms with the same profile. Where are these days lost?