Page 35 of articles about sow

United Kingdom - Sow numbers set to fall through 2011

The size of the British pig breeding herd may slip below 418,000 sows (from 2007's 436,000 sows), causing pig producers to face a further period of negative margins, according to market analysts at the latest Outlook conference of the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board.

What day of the week should we wean?

A large part of the work on a swine farm can be divided into 3 key tasks: weaning, mating and farrowing. The day chosen for weaning determines the other two tasks; first, the matings, and then, as a consequence, the farrowings (the 2 ‘great events’ of which productivity of a farm depends on).

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Mating guidelines (III)

In the last chapter we examined mating guidelines that came rather close to being ideal, given that they achieve the following objectives: At least one mating should be adjusted to meet the ideal time and achieve the first objective with the least number of matings.

Denmark - Expectations of 2013

In 2001, the EU decided that all sows must be housed loose by 2013, giving the pig producers 12 years to adapt. In Denmark, this legislation was introduced in 1998. To form an impression of the situation in Denmark, Hatting-KS, the Danish Pig Producers’ Association and Pig Research Centre forwarded questionnaires to all Danish sow farmers with more than 100 sows asking them about their expectations of 2013.