Page 4 of articles about sow
Tip: A roll-up handling chute
A plastic safety fence, like those used in construction, is used to create a barrier between the doors, allowing one person to control sow movement.
Analysis of image-based sow activity patterns reveals associations with piglet survival and early growth
Does synchronizing farrowing affect sow and piglet production data? A review of the data
A systematic review evaluating the effects of inducing farrowing on stillbirth rate, birth weight, preweaning mortality, weaning weight, farrowing duration, and colostrum and milk characteristics.
Hypor dam lines: Health
Íñigo González explains the biosecurity measures taken in Hypor genetic nucleus and multiplication farms.
Subpopulations (III of III): Parity optimization
We continue to talk about subpopulations within the farm. Here, we discuss how to optimize the sow group according to parity number to improve productivity.
Topigs Norsvin: First animals arrived at Innova Canada
The first animals arrived at the new Topigs Norsvin nucleus farm Innova Canada.
Genetic parameters for early piglet weight, litter traits and number of functional teats in organic pigs
Detecting sow vulva size change around estrus using machine vision technology
Hypor dam lines: Key management aspects
In this article, we focus on the key aspects of management to optimize performance from this genetic line of sows. We talked with Carlos Martins.
To induce or not to induce; has the answer changed?
Farrowing induction is needed to improve the ability of farm staff to supervise farrowing, but you need to be strategic; do not induce unless evidence says it is needed.
Dam parity structure and body condition during lactation influence piglet growth and gilt sexual maturation through pre-finishing
Nurse sows: Evolution over the last five years
The PigCHAMP Pro Europe database was used to analyze nurse sows, which wean almost twice the farm average.
Hypor dam lines. Genetic criteria
Our series of articles on different genetics companies continues. This time, we talk about Hypor with Manuel Revilla.
Tailor-made feeding strategies of sows: Major efficiency gains
This new feeding strategy aims to distribute an optimal ration at the right time to the right animal.