Page 9 of articles about statistics
USA: Highest-ever June hog inventory reported
As of June 1, there were 75.5 million hogs and pigs on U.S. farms. This is the highest June 1 inventory of all hogs and pigs since estimates began in 1964.
Brazil increases pig slaughterings
Portugal: data on the pig slaughterings in the first trimester 2019
Decrease in pig slaughterings in Germany
Less pigs in Denmark
Main Russian pork producing companies in 2018
USA: results of the 2017 Census of Agriculture
Increase in pig slaughterings in Spain
Decrease in the Danish pig census
Philippines hog inventory and production
Pig production figures in Russia in 2018
Impact of ASF in China on pork exporting countries: many balls in the air
Pork supply, pork consumption and purchasing power in China, US and China trade war and globalism are some of the balls in play and many more are to come.