Page 79 of articles about swine-diseases in Swine news

FAO - Regional plan for FMD control approved

International experts on Foot-and-Mouth disease (FMD) have agreed on a plan to control the infection in Western Eurasia and stop it spreading west to Europe and North Africa, following a serious epidemic in several Middle Eastern countries.

FAO urges countries to closely monitor H1N1 in pigs

After the detection of the A/H1N1 virus in pigs in Canada transmitted by a human, FAO has again urged national authorities and farmers to carefully monitor pigs and investigate any possible occurrences of influenza-like symptoms in domestic animals.

OIE - Novel A/H1N1 influenza virus identified in a Canadian swine herd

The novel A/H1N1 influenza virus has been identified and being very closely related to the human strains based on the genes sequenced so far. Full characterisation is continuing and so is virus isolation in eggs. It is highly probable that the pigs were exposed to the virus from a farm worker who had recently returned from Mexico and had been exhibiting flu-like symptoms.

Canada - An Alberta Swine Herd Investigated for H1N1 Flu Virus

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) indicates that it has found H1N1 flu virus in a swine herd in Alberta. The safety of the food supply is not affected and Canadian pork continues to be safe to eat. While further testing is needed to more fully characterize the virus, the CFIA is taking a precautionary approach. The herd has been placed under quarantine, and the Agency is working with public health colleagues to determine the most appropriate next steps to ensure that public and animal health remain protected. The chance that these pigs could transfer virus to a person is remote.

Philippines fails to secure FMD-free status

The Philippines has again failed to receive its FMD-free status with vaccination after the Office Internationale des Epizooties (OIE) turned down its request, said National Federation of Hog Farmers Inc President Albert Lim.

Namibia: African swine fever

OIE has reported a case of African Swine fever in Namibia. Part of the country is considered endemic for ASF. Pigs must be raised in bio-secure pens to avoid contact with wild warthogs. The date of the previous occurrence was 12/11/2008.

United Kingdom - Farmers lose out on FMD hearing

A bid by farmers to claim damages following the 2007 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak has been dismissed. The seven remaining farmers’ claims, in the National Farmers’ Union-backed legal case, were dismissed on 31 March, when judgment was handed down following a hearing in the High Court in February. A further seven claims had already been settled without an admission of liability.

WHO - Ebola Reston in pigs and humans in the Philippines - update

On 16 February 2009, the Government of Philippines announced that a slaughterhouse worker who has daily contact with pigs tested positive for antibodies against the Ebola Reston virus. This brings to six, out of a total of 141 people, who have tested positive for Ebola Reston antibodies in the Philippines since testing began in December 2008. All six people who were antibody positive reported occupational exposure to pigs.

Phlippines - Hog cholera, not Ebola, killed Zamboanga pigs

Its official: the swine industry of this southern port city is free from the Ebola Reston virus. Mayor Celso Lobregat declared so, citing that tests yielded negative of the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), Pseudo Rabies Virus (PRV) and Swine Influenza Virus (SIV-H1N1).