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Environmental control in the growing phase (I): Checking the environment

Man is possibly the only animal capable of living in practically all places in the world, regardless of the climate. This is due to his capacity to construct buildings to isolate himself from the climate however extreme it may be, maintaining an environment which allows him to survive. As domestic animals live together with man, they have to take advantage indirectly of this capacity.

Control: prevention and treatment

Basic preventative measures of management should be included in the control of the disease, such as adequate temperature control of the barns, a complete all-in all-out hygiene and disinfection, and the avoidance of any mixing of animals from distinct sanitary origins.

Controlling the environment of the pig

This article explains the most important principles of environmental control in the pig barns, such as ventilation control, maintenance of temperature within the thermoneutral zone of the animals and of the relative humidity levels inside the barns.