Page 7 of articles about transport
Brussels adopts a text on the temperature for the transport of carcasses
China: 15° CAHE (China Animal Husbandry Expo)
China Animal Husbandry Expo, known as CAHE, is the largest livestock show in Asia. In 2017, CAHE attracted 161 655 visitors and 1 200 exhibitors from 38 countries and regions.
Practical EU guidelines to assess fitness of pigs for transport
Spain alerts of the presence of foot-and-mouth disease in Algeria
Canada: amendments to Health of Animals Regulations
Assessment of pre-slaughter feed withdrawal strategies and the effects
EU Platform on Animal Welfare
Animal welfare during transport
Loading bays on the outside to keep the risks away
Have you ever cleaned a lorry for the transportation of animals? It is not easy. Therefore, we always have to consider them dirty and we will use loading bays on the outside of the farm.
Clinical case: Sodium ion toxicosis in pigs after transport
At autopsy, haemorrhagic enterocolitis with mucosal oedema, enlarged spleen and haemorrhagic mesentery were observed.