articles about weaning
Split weaning improves pregnancy rate and embryo survival in sows mated in lactation
Practical experiences with loose-housed sows during mating
To identify the keys to success in managing sows in breed and release systems, France's Chamber of Agriculture of the Brittany Region surveyed farmers who implemented this system. The results identified three strategies that producers use the week after weaning.
Strengthening piglet immunity: Strategies to overcome weaning challenges
Nutrition plays a major role in the immune response. The interaction of different dietary components with other factors such as environment, health status, and genetics plays an important role in modulating the immune response.
Do we know how to interpret what our pigs are telling us?
Animals tell us how they feel, but do we understand what they are telling us?
A second iron injection administered to piglets during lactation improves hemoglobin concentration, growth performance, and carcass characteristics at slaughter
Enhancing growth and gut health in nursery piglets: effects of enzymatically treated yeast and zinc oxide
Why are the first days post-weaning so important?
A good start in post-weaning feed intake and including creep feed and palatable diets is crucial to optimize piglet health and performance.
Effect of postpartum meloxicam administration to sows and split-suckling
55th AASV Annual Meeting summary: Miscellaneous
Antonio Palomo summarizes the presentations from the latest AASV, ranging from the future of the veterinary profession to the eradication of diseases, hog prices, and experiences in improving pig survival.
Tip: Adapt a pen for weaned piglets
How to adapt a normal pen to the specific needs of weaned piglets.
Impact of enrichment and repeated mixing on resilience in pigs
Effect of postweaning feed intake on performance, intestinal morphology, and the probability of diarrhea in piglets
From their respective academic and on-farm perspectives, Josep Gasa and Josep Casanovas comment on a recent study about the effect of postweaning feed intake.
Effects of providing sensory attractants to suckling pigs during lactation and after weaning on post-weaning growth performance
Effects of early intermittent maternal separation on behavior, physiological, and growth performance in piglets
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