Page 11 of articles about weaning
Effects of extra feeding in mid-pregnancy for three successive parities on lean sows’ productive performance and longevity
Body reserve mobilization during lactation in first parity sows and its effect on second litter size
Planning weaning (I): How many sows should I wean?
Deciding which sows are going to be weaned on weaning day is an important task that should be examined well.
Increasing weaning age of piglets from 4 to 7 weeks reduces stress, increases post-weaning feed intake but does not improve intestinal functionality
Effects of dietary lactose levels during different starter phases on the performance of weaning pigs
Effects of tannic acid supplementation on growth performance, blood hematology, iron status and faecal microflora in weanling pigs
Supplemental zinc reduced intestinal permeability by enhancing occluding and zonula occludens protein-1 (ZO-1) expression in weaning piglets
Evaluation of the effect of increasing dietary vitamin E in combination with different fat sources on performance, humoral immune responses and antioxidant status of weaned pigs
Effects of dietary lactose levels during different starter phases on the performance of weaning pigs
Effects of dietary glycyl-glutamine on growth performance, small intestinal integrity, and immune responses of weaning piglets challenged with lipopolysaccharide
Comparison between computerised liquid feeding and ad libitum dry feeding for sows during lactation
Body weight gain and nutrient utilization in starter pigs that are liquid-fed high-moisture corn-based diets supplemented with phytase
Organization of the replacements IV
Another convenient option for controlling the replacement entry is to incorporate the information on the breeding chart.