Page 12 of articles about weaning
Farrowing batches: keeping the breeding groups full
In the last chapter we looked at the importance of achieving homogenous farrowing batches (age distribution + nº sows). In this chapter we will begin to see how to achieve this.
Conditions for breeding during weaning
Hormone management (III)
When external administration of the hormonal product is stopped, the levels of progesterone fall.
Dietary protein in piglet diets
Feed management after weaning
Without a doubt weaning is the most stressful process suffered by a pig, or at least it is up until that moment in its life.
The effect of dietary fatty acid level on the fatty acid composition of the adipose and lean tissues of immunocastrated male pigs
Immunity and serotype
What is the best age for weaning piglets? (3/3)
In order to carry out this economic analysis we have kept in mind the variables between the two types of weaning in the different phases: site 1 (reproductive sows), site 2 (weaning), and site 3 (fattening).
Oral administration recombinant porcine epidermal growth factor enhances the jejunal digestive enzyme genes expression and activity of early-weaned piglets
Why tryptophan is an important amino acid for piglet nutrition
Ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids from canola meal in weaned piglets and growing pigs
Clinical and pathologic diagnosis
Huge new range of pig feeders
Alternatives to fish meal for piglets
What is the best age for weaning piglets? (1/3)
With this article we begin the publication of a series of three unpublished articles by José Barceló for on the age at weaning. José gave us the articles a few days before his death. As a way of paying homage to him we have decided to publish them posthumously without any alterations.