Page 7 of articles about weaning
Handling of the pan feeders and the lamps in the farrowing pens
Having a piglet feeder and a lamp in each farrowing pen avoids the annoying moving of these items between rooms and sometimes between buildings.
Weaning-to-service interval: what affects it and how to control it
Which factors affect the WTSI? Among the factors with a biggest influence we have: inadequate intake during lactation, season of the year, and length of the lactation.
Food comes from farms: Piglets taken away from their mothers
Chitoligosaccharide with different molecular weight on performance, selected microbial populations and nutrient digestibility in the weaned pig
L-carnitine supplementation to suckling piglets affects carcass and meat quality at market age
Sow dietary fatty acid profile alters fat metabolism and fatty acid composition in weanling pigs
Fenugreek seed affects intestinal microbiota and immunological variables in piglets after weaning
Antimicrobial peptide-P5 supplementation on growth, digestibility and intestinal microbiota in weanling pigs
Effects of reduced nocturnal temperature on pig performance and energy consumption in swine nursery rooms
Clinical case: An exceptionally serious encephalomyocarditis case in a nursery
There was a sudden increase in mortality in a site 2 farm with the loss of the "biggest piglets" in the group.No particular symptomatology was seen but every day some dead piglets were found.
High- and low-fibre fractions of canola nutrient digestibility and growth performance of weaned pigs
The live weight of the piglets weaned at 28 days: a decisive factor for a good post-weaning adaptation?
The performance decrease suffered by the piglets when weaned is one of the most worrying factors at the pig farms.