Page 8 of articles about weaning
Influence of dietary isoleucine:lysine ratio on the optimal tryptophan:lysine ratio for weanling pigs
Nurse sows (II)
When using nurse sows (foster sows) whilst making some piglets "go forwards" before the expected time we end up weaning them one week before. This poses certain problems.
Poor weaning transition ADG in is not correlated with pathological or immunological markers of enteric disease during a PRRSV outbreak
Strategic management of the replacement gilts for sustainable PRRS control
The desired result of the strategic management of replacement gilts at a company level is to minimize the economical losses potentially caused by PRRS.
Feeder Pigs on Zweber Farms
Yeast hydrolyzed protein on performance of weaned piglets
The antimicrobial peptide cecropin AD on performance and intestinal health in weaned piglets challenged with Escherichia coli
Citrus by-products to reduce Salmonella in weanling pigs
The good taste of pigs (part IV): bitter
Bitterness leaves an unpleasant feeling linked to a decrease in feed consumption. On the other hand, modulating feed intake with bitter compounds might be an interesting tool to limit excessive voracity of pigs and sows at certain stages.
Analysis of the health in the weaners and fattening stages; a different approach (II)
The losses due to diarrhoea problems appear concentrated, basically, during the first week in the weaners stage, whilst in the farms that have not suffered diarrhoea problems, the mortality is distibuted more evenly.
Supplementing sows with a zootechnical feed additive decreases fecal shedding of bacteria and improves calostral immunoglobulin concentrations and litter performance
Perinatal flavour learning and adaptation to being weaned: all pigs needs is smell
Quinoa hull meal affects on piglet performance and intestinal epithelial physiology
Dietary supplementation with L-Arginine partially counteracts serum metabonome induced by weaning stress in piglets
Clinical case: Post-weaning diarrhoea outbreaks in Eastern Europe
The pig farm management team in charge of the post-weaned piglet nursery areas on these wean-to-finish sites has found serious problems with diarrhoea in recent batches of piglets arriving from the breeding farms.