How can we improve our treatments in swine production

How can we improve our treatments in swine production


The preventive use of antibiotics in animal production has been proposed as a possible cause of microbial resistances. Resistances reduce the efficacy of antibiotics normally used for the control pathology in animal production but they are also a concern in public health.

In this course we will review the basics on clinical veterinary pharmacology needed in order to design adequate treatments in swine medicine and production. The main aim of this course is to review, from a clinical point of view, the rules necessary to optimize the antimicrobial treatments used swine medicine and, at the same time, to reduce microbial resistances considering the epidemiology of the main bacterial pathologies affecting pigs.

This course will take place at Campusal, Agrogestiic's on-line education site.

Who should enroll:
Swine veterinarians, technical departments of companies related to animal health, nutrition or production; technical staff working in livestock coops; ADS veterinarians; food quality/safety experts and technical staff working in animal health laboratories. The course is also adequate to those vet students who want to specialize in swine medicine and for those students already enrolled in the “máster en sanidad y producción porcina”.


  • Dr. Lorenzo Fraile, Associate profesor at Universitat de Lleida (UdL).
    Lorenzo obtained his PhD in Veterinary Medicine (Experimental and clinical pharmacology) at the Universidad of Zaragoza. He worked as a swine practitioner in Cargill España S.A and Picber, S.A during 9 years. Then he worked at the Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) as a full time researcher for 6 years. He is currently an associate professor at Universitat de Lleida and is collaborating with CReSA and other research centers in projects focused on the development of tools for the improvement of veterinary preventive medicine. He is author of several peer-reviewed articles in national and international journals.

Main aim

To review all those aspects of veterinary clinical pharmacology required in order to establish an adequate treatment in swine medicine and production. The main objective of the course is to review from a clinical point of view the rules required in order to optimize the antimicrobial treatments used in swine and, at the same time, to reduce microbial resistances considering the epidemiology of the main bacterial pathologies in swine.

Type of course

Distance learning

This course is planned to be completed in 12 hours.

The teaching material includes recorded lectures and support material (Power point presentations and supporting literature). All materials will be available 24h/7d for a total period of 60 days once the course begins. During this period, the students will be able to address their questions directly to the professor.



Theory Module I. ¿Which basic concepts on antibiotic therapy should we know? What does theory tell us?.

  • Review of the necessary pharmacology concepts required to identify the most effective drug for each infection: pharmacokinetics; pharmacodynamics; antimicrobial resistance.
  • Description of how clinical efficacy of antimicrobials is evaluated by pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling (modelos PK-PD).

Theory Module II. Main antibiotics in swine

  • Antibiotic reach of the site of action; how to establish dose and dose regimen as defined by the pharmaceutical company; how to know to what extent is it possible to treat “our” bacterial infection with some probability of success.

Theory Module III. How can we apply theory in daily practice?

  • Review of antimicrobial’s pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, interactions and side effects.

Theory Module IV. How can we improve “real world” treatments

  • Discussion on how we can improve the treatments used in commercial conditions and review of those aspects related to the off label use of antibiotics.
  • Case analysis.
  • Legal implications. Short notes.

Practical module

  • In this course we will work on two practical cases: one of respiratory etiology and one of digestive etiology.


Agrogestiic will provide you with a Certificate of Accomplishment once the course is completed. In order to receive such a certificate the student must attend to all the lectures and complete the corresponding evaluation questionnaires.

This course is not part of any official education plan and the certificate has no official value.


Registration and price

How can we improve our treatments in swine production85,00 €

This course can be taken at any time because registration is always open. Once the student pays the required fee the student will be granted immediate access to the course. From that moment on, the student will have 60 days to complete the course.