Minitube QuickTip® semen bags set a new standard with a 100% sperm-safe foil - no toxic adhesives between layers, just new and safe layer technology. Certified, hygienic, and easy to use, QuickTip® bags guarantee reliability and convenience.

„We use Minitube’s BoarMatic auto collect system. Saves us one person in the barn. Easy to train people and boars. Equipment is built from high quality materials, there is little to no maintenance and easy to clean.“
Bruce Zierke, AIPartners, Morris, MN, USA

Download the SpermApp for mobile devices from the Google Playstore

Invest in maximum safety, superior performance, and long-term reliability with Minitube boar semen extenders!

Hygiene basics for low-bacteria semen production

Stop by the Minitube booth, meet the team and check out our latest products and innovations.

Why do sperm numbers per dose sometimes vary?

Androstar® Plus, long-term boar semen extender
Androstar® Plus provides unparalleled protection for sperm when exposed to temperature fluctuations, physical stress, and long-term storage. High stress resistance of the semen leads to more homogeneous insemination results.

For over a decade, AndroVision

Our specialists in spermatology, software development, and machine learning are driving innovation, automating processes and improving analytical precision.
Dr Kilian Simmet, Head of R&D: "We use AI to expand the capabilities of AndroVision

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