
Smart Pig Handling

Smart Pig Handling provides training to new herdspersons on how to safely and effectively handle pigs while minimizing stress on both themselves and their animals.

24 December 2014

Smart Pig Handling provides training to new herdspersons on how to safely and effectively handle pigs while minimizing stress on both themselves and their animals.

Producers can contact their provincial pork organization (in Canada) for an extended version of the training, which can be customized to their farm type. For more information about the videos, contact Manitoba Pork at (204) 237-7447 or info@manitobapork.com

The development of this video was supported by Alberta Pork, Sask Pork, Ontario Pork and EPQ. It was also supported by Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative, and the Government of Alberta. This project's main support came from the FCC Ag Safety Fund administered by the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association with funding from Farm Credit Canada.

Manitoba Pork Council

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